Anthro 291: Queer Perspectives in Anthropology

Instructor: Karen Nakamura
Next offered: TBA.

Course Description

This course is the second half of a two-course sequence on gender and sexuality in anthropology. We will explore alternative genders and sexualities (so called "third genders" and non-heterosexual sexualities) in both Western and non-Western contexts.

The first half of the sequence (which is not a prerequisite, the courses can be taken in any order) is Anthro 289: Feminist Perspectives in Anthropology.

Prerequisites and Requirements

Anthropology 11: Cultural Anthropology is a prerequisite. This course contributes towards majors in the Anthropology Department and Women and Gender Studies Program.

Textbooks and Course Readings

The required textbooks will be available at the Ruminator Bookstore. Course readings in the forms of articles will be distributed in class and also available through the eReserve system.

Also under consideration...

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Last modified: Monday, 11-Apr-2005 01:25:43 EDT, [an error occurred while processing this directive].