Anthro 489 Contemporary Theory in Anthropology (Prof. Nakamura)

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Journal Archive Project

A major portion of your grade will come from your participation in the Public Anthropology Anthropology Journals Project. You will have to summarize 6 journal articles over the course of the semester. This year, we are summarizing:

Directions on how to write the summaries can be found on the Public Anthropology web site. For each article, you will be working with a peer reviewer who will be checking and commenting on your article. You will jointly be held responsible for each article summary.

Remember: I will be grading you primarily on your understanding of the author's position within the discipline of anthropology and the theoretical contributions of the paper. Don't get bogged down in ethnographic detail, find what makes the paper interesting to people outside of the narrow subject/geographical area.


Half of the class will be writing a summary each week while the other half works on reviewing the summaries. The class has been split into two groups, Group A and B.

The Groups
Group A:
Group B:

This is how it is going to work:

Reviewers should rotate so that you never comment on the same student twice. After my own grading/commenting, you will be asked to forward your reviews to the Public Anthropology website, so keep them on a disk handy.

Summaries will be graded and are worth 30% of your final grade. Each summary is worth 4% of your total grade for a total of 24% with another 6% of your final grade from your commentary reviews of your peer papers. This is incentive to make sure that every summary is the very highest quality possible.

Late assignments will not be tolerated. You will be deducted 10% for not meeting a deadlines and another 10% for each additional day you are late. Authors: please let me know if your reviewer has not provided commentary in time. Reviewers: please notify me if your author has not provided an article photocopy in time.

Please remember that you are participating in a serious academic archiving endeavour. Your summaries will be on the web for all posterity. You should strive to make sure all of your summaries as well as the summaries of all of the students you work with are the best quality possible. Everyone should receive an 'A' for this part of the course assignment.

Orbituaries are extra credit (2%) each.

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